Singapore hosts Global Healthy Workplace Awards Summit

Singapore, 2nd September 2017

Singapore plays host to an important gathering of employers from around the world to examine how best to elevate health and wellbeing in the workplace. One hundred business leaders representing over 40 countries is the 5th such gathering organised by the Global Centre for Healthy Workplaces in partnership with Health Promotion Board.

The highlight of the Summit will be presentations from the Award Finalists. The 2017 Awards Finalists are:

SME: Lincoln Industries (USA), LGAQ (Australia)
Large: ABFRL Madura (India), Jemena (Australia)
Multinational: Chevron (USA), Lendlease (Australia)

Previous winners have included GSK, IBM, Unilever and Vitality.

The Summit will also witness the publication of two publications, one relating to Duty of Care amongst NGOs and another examining the perception of investors towards healthy workplaces and its link to business productivity.

Agenda is available at:

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