Category: Press Release

7th Global Healthy Workplace Awards and Summit Summary Report

The 7th Global Healthy Workplace Awards and Summit summary report is now available to view and download. The 7th Global Healthy Workplace Awards and Summit was hosted in partnership with Monash University, and brought together leaders for the advancement of healthy workplaces and employee wellbeing. The summit offered a unique opportunity for experts and leaders to […]

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Hero MotoCorp Large Employer Workplace Health Awards Winner Interview

2019 Global Healthy Workplaces Large Employer Awards Winner Interview Hero MotoCorp is the world’s largest 2-wheeler manufacturer based in New Delhi, India. The company has been offering health and wellness services to their 33,000 employees since 2002. Hero’s OHS policy ensures health and wellness is incorporated into the organisation’s business strategy. The cross-functional Total Productive […]

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7th Global Healthy Workplace Awards & Summit Case Studies and Presentations

View presentations and case studies from our 7th Global Healthy Workplace Awards and Summit in Melbourne, Australia. Awards Finalist Presentations Awards Winners: Hero MotoCorp (Large Employer, India) | Global Prairie (SME, USA) Awards Finalists: Marisol SA (Brazil) | Reliance Industries (India) | Swisse Wellness (Australia) | VitaS (Belgium) Keynote Presentations ABQV – Inspire Life with […]

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World’s Most Healthy Workplace Employers Announced at Melbourne Summit

1st  November 2019 – Good Health is Good Business. 2019’s best employers for having the most exceptional healthy workplace programme were announced today at the 7th Global Healthy Workplace Summit at Monash University, Melbourne. The Global Centre for Healthy Workplaces Awards winners were: Small and Medium-sized category: Global Prairie (USA) Large Enterprise category: Hero MotoCorp […]

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Comprehensive Guide to Wellness Technology

The options for corporate wellness technology have exploded over the last 5 years. CoreHealth have developed this comprehensive guide to help you learn everything you need to know about wellness software. What’s included in the Guide? The 5 W’s of Wellness Technology:What is Wellness Technology? What is wellness technology? Why use it? Who uses it? […]

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