Tag: workplace health

Interview with SME Occupational Health Awards Winner A.B. May

2018 Global Healthy Workplaces SME Awards Winner A.B. May is a local, family-owned business of 250 employees providing home services in the Kansas City area. The owners play a visible leadership role in driving and living the 12 elements of great management which are designed to empower all employees. The holistic health programme is rooted […]

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The World’s Best Healthy Workplaces Unveiled in Bergamo

6th Global Healthy Workplace Awards Summit, Bergamo, 6-7 September This year’s best employers for having an exceptional and globally recognised healthy workplace programme were announced at the 6th Global Healthy Workplace Summit in partnership with ATS Bergamo, which took place at the Ex-Monastero di Sant’Agostino, University of Bergamo, Italy, 6-7 September 2018. The winners were: […]

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6th Global Healthy Workplace Awards & Summit Agenda, Bergamo, Italy

View Summit Page | Book Summit Tickets | Visit Bergamo Guide Summit Agenda as of 6th July 2018 | For latest agenda click here! Thursday AM – September 6, 2018 – Roundtable 9:00am – 13:00 Roundtable of the Global Alliance (invitation only) Thursday PM – September 6, 2018 – Global Summit 13:00  Registration 14:00  Welcome Chair: […]

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